7 Effective Steps To Build A Winning Career Path

“Anything that changes grows, anything that doesn’t grow dies “ is an apt saying for the professionals today.

If you are not growing /changing roles every 2-3 years you should choose an alternative career for yourself. There are some easy and effective steps to check and build your career path towards growth, am going to share them now for you.

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1. Reflect on Your Likes, Dislikes, Needs & Wants

One of the best way to reflect on your career is to think of outcomes of your career planning by picturing yourself after five years,would you regret of what you are doing today,so list down your likes and dislikes first,think about what excites and energises you, Ask yourself

  • Are you in the right job that gives you happiness?
  • Are you at your performing best?
  • Are you at your adrenaline highs at least once a week? Does your JOB thrill you?

above are some types of the questions you can drill on.

If most of your questions are getting you to a closed corner,its time to wake up and make the move.

You can also visit 8 Signs That You Need a New Job to check if you have to look out.

2. Review Career & Job Trends

With regard to career growth, if you have excellent skills and know how to market yourself, you should be able to find a new job. However, having information about career trends is important to be successful in long-term career planning. For reviewing your current career,

  • Research Further Career/Job Advancement Opportunities.
  • Develop scenarios for the analysis you did.
  • Choose the best ones that can suit your likes and dislikes.
  • Check your current compensation with the market trends.

While you keep in mind what you are good at don’t be afraid to look beyond other possible careers ,the max work life is going to be an average 20-25 Years and make sure you make the most of it.

3. Take Stock On Your Skills

Always match your skills to the career that’s right for you, if needed take professional help on skill sets available over internet , being a specialist with unique skills can make you the most wanted candidate in the job market.

  • Take tests on your skills,lot are available in the internet.
  • Make efforts to horn your skills.
  • Build most and more on your skills in such a way that you are the best.

Being ‘jack of all trade and master of none’ is not a desirable quality in the job market. Generalists are important and are have some demand, but they are not the most-wanted candidates. Specialist are always in high demand. You should be known in the job market for something unique.

Master your skills,read more at our blog post 8 Practical Tips to Become a Most Wanted Candidate in the Job Market

4. Find a Mentor

Mentors are +ve people who can help you move forward with your experience and expertice,they can be your catalyst to move you to the top.

If you do not have a mentor find people who can be helpful in guiding you,ask them.

Mentors can help you in many ways,

  • Share their wisdom, knowledge, skills and expertise.
  • They can help you find success.
  • Can direct you with constructive feedback can correct you during failures.

Read the ‘Mentor Vs Teacher’ chapter from my book “STOP doing the crime of NOT GROWING” (Book available at www.flipkart.com)

Keep Growing!

5. Explore Unconventional Careers

When we completed our schooling we all know the popular careers available to us doctors, engineers, teachers, pilots etc…If even now after entering your professional arena you feel inspired by typical choices, learn that there are thousands of unusual and exciting jobs you might not have heard of like Image Consultant, Wild Life Photographer, Ethical Hacker, Adventure Tour Operator, Fashion Choreography etc..

Be ready to opt alternate careers or thrilling jobs.

Positive side of daring to do is you may have less competition and greater chance of getting recognised and you can make a difference. Above all you will be really able to do what you love and at the same time would be making money.

Now most of the start-ups provide platform for you to test yourself by changing completely to a new dimension of life, check out constantly on what can motivate you to give your best.

6.Take A Spiral Route

Decades ago, most of the companies offered a lean career ladder. If you perform well, you could count on a steady climb in salary, job title, and responsibilities until receiving a chairman signed Titan Watch for 25 years of loyal service.

If you are in the same role for two, three, or five years, chances are you need the secrets to the do-it-yourself career path.

Change roles in the same organisation/change organisation that gives you new roles.
From sales to Customer Service, Marketing to HR – every two years try new roles.

This way of spiral growth will not only assure you career growth but will build a strong foundation for you to stay on the TOP. Remember your career is not a Sprint its a Marathon!

7. Listen To Your Body

You would have come across professionals who sleep four hours a day and see their kid only on Sundays are still geared up actively both socially and professionally.
On the other hand If you experience boredom, stress ,illness, exhaustion, the very first place you should look is your work. You spend more waking hours working than doing anything else, and I can tell you from my experience that if you don’t like your work, it won’t like you either, and overly-stressful, misaligned work can very easily make your body break down.

Your body will always tell you (& others too) what your lips cannot.

It may be your stressful job or very bad work environment that is breaking you down but it’s your entire career that needs a shift. You are not made of only skills, responsibilities and tasks.

You’ve come to the point where your salary no longer makes up for the boredom and emptiness you feel.

(PoachMe can help you finding your next dream job confidentially, If you need any help in your job search endeavor, Register with us for free. We are India’s first confidential job search engine.)

One thought on “7 Effective Steps To Build A Winning Career Path

  1. palani

    This amazing blog will reach the heights of 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen.

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